Wednesday, September 4, 2019

A Bone To Pick

A Bone To Pick

August 26th 2019
Dear Diary, ‘Today was the best! Dad took me out running, again!

We had a terrible start. He had purchased some new torture devices

to run with that he said were more “my size” but I didn’t believe him.

Whats a dog like me to do anyway? I had to make him work for it.

And of course give it a good pre chew while he read the box.

The packaging said XL but I don’t think those people have met me.

Being 96 pounds at nine months old is something only a Great Dane

could do. Anyway, after an appropriate amount of struggling I allowed

him to buckle the clips and we were on our way. I LOOOOVE running.

I’m a natural but Dads still getting the hang of it. I swear I’ve cut in front

of him a thousand times and he still acts surprised and tells me to stay

on his right side. WHAT ABOUT THE SMELLS ON THE LEFT?? We jogged

a really long time. He says we have a race coming up and we need to be prepared.

I’m never the one out of breathe though so I’m not sure what he means.

I keep hearing him say “my best behavior” but I'm always the best so we

will see how that goes. It started to rain on us and I thought maybe we would

stop but nope, Dad says you can’t quit just because its raining. Which was

fine with me, I splashed him with the puddles every chance I got. He said

we made good time this go around but it would have been better if I’d pee

at home. I think it would be better if he could just run faster to make up for it.

Oh well, I’ll get him trained eventually. Till tomorrow! 


Friday, August 23, 2019

The Mind Body Connection

I started this post Thursday evening after a rough day. Anxiety has been rearing its ugly head as it does at times. If you've ever had anxiety or depression you KNOW how it can affect you physically. To top it all off, it stormed right when I got off work so I couldn't go outside and run. Outside has become my escape, my relaxation, my stage, my courtroom. I can enjoy solitude during a run at the trail, sweat out the day's angst, lay it all on the pavement, and prove myself. I came home to a cardio circuit which I was angry about and never let go of the day's stress. I convinced myself it was going to be a bad evening because I had no outside run.
One of the things I've learned is how connected our mind and our body is. Through  my struggle with lupus, arthritis and fibromyalgia, my mind suffered. Pain, fatigue, it all affects your mind. Sleep for so long became my solitude and escape. I didn't realize how dangerous this was for my body which in turn, made it even harder for my mind.
On the other end, the more you think you can't do something, the more your body complies. The worse you convince yourself everything is mentally, the worse it truly becomes. I've read quotes about how the hardest part of running is convincing your mind you can do it. This whole concept is true about ALL of fitness. Today was a treadmill day and I totally didn't want to do it. I almost quit easily and early on. However, I pushed forward, got over 3 miles and finished my circuits and weights. Each day, it's a battle of mind over matter. I can attest its no where near easy and I struggle frequently. However, as one of my favorite Jonwisdomisms says "Are you drowning or are you kneeling?" Stopping to set perspective, fix your mindset and constantly work on strengthening your mind and body is the only way to lead to success!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

If you want it, you must will it to be

Jon and I came across Evo planners and are using them as part of our individual morning rituals and our common goal: to make gains. One of the thing I've started doing is looking up quotes about certain things each morning to help fix my mindset. You see, mindset doesn't come easy for me. I don't typically look for the bad in things and others, but I often naturally focus on the bad within myself. As such, it's a constant work in progress. While looking up strength this morning, I found this Gandhi quote "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." I wrote it down, thought for a minute, shared it with the family running group, and then didn't think much more about it.
Fast forward to now after a long day and a 60 minute amazing sweaty cardio dance workout to my evening planner ritual. As I go back over my day, I re-read the quotes from this morning and only then does it hit me: this is what I do everyday. Everyday, I'm tired or fatigued or just "done" at some point. We all get that way whether physically, emotionally, or both. Today I wanted to go home and not go to dance. That's not how we do. We dig deep. We find that strength, that indomitable will, and we make it happen.
This is what your whole fitness journey is about. How much easier it would be to lay down, eat whatever you want.. but that's what got me to my crossroads in the first place. Instead, I choose to dig deep, find that indomitable will, show my strength, and make it happen. I wish that for you as well!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

About numbers...

This is one of those cathartic posts that hopefully will also help someone else. I've previously mentioned my struggle with anxiety and depression. It's one I've never shied away from because it's part of who I am. I've always been an anxious person and when I was diagnosed with Lupus at 14 I lost almost all control over my day to day life. I was at the mercy of my body. When you lose control in big ways, you look for ways to take it back. Sometimes they're healthy, sometimes they're not, and sometimes it's somewhere in between. I tend to fall in that in between category. I've struggled with a relationship with food and healthy sleep habits. I've struggled with being a shopaholic- after all, what gives you more power than filling your wardrobe up to look good?! And despite my best efforts, I've continued to struggle with Obsessive Preoccupation with Numbers throughout this fitness journey. This is something I've been processing and working with awhile and Jon has helped me process as well. The ultimate goal is to be healthy and strong, mentally and physically. Unfortunately, worrying too much about fitness numbers: calories eaten, calories burned, what the scale says, weights you're lifting, your PACE... well, it leads to an unhealthy preoccupation.

You see, just Monday I ran a PR of 10:06 on a mile. I sounded like a wheezing dirvish (harry potter pun ftw!) when I was done, but I was super proud. However, do you know how many times I checked my watch to monitor my pace? TOO. MANY. Do you know how dead I was after 3 miles? TOO. DEAD. While I am still proud of that pace, and that PR, I'm not proud that I became obsessed with hitting it and I didn't hit it with the healthiest mindset. Several times this summer, I over trained because I worried too much about the calories I was burning. I didn't attend to my calorie deficit or any of the other important healthy considerations. I was obsessed with burning the most calories possible.

After feeling like death warmed over on this run, I processed it, discussed it, and made a goal. My personal goal is to look at distance not speed. Look at strength, not the scale. Look at how I feel and how my body feels, not the calories burned. Today, I took that mindset to the pavement, literally. I ran 4 miles. I ran those miles with a 12 min/mi average (ish). I didn't completely die. The heat was brutal. But my lungs felt good and I had a great workout I'm proud of.

So where is this whole hot mess of a brain dump going? The point is: pay attention to your body, your strength, your gains, and your mind set. Make healthy choices and don't get caught up in the number game. This is a work in progress for me and one I'm intentionally setting my mind to (it's even in my Evo planner! but more on that later..). Focus on what you're doing and how amazing it is. Your body is a machine- listen to it and follow it more than any number of any kind!

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Shoes make the Runner? Well, kinda...

One of the things I mentioned in my previous post is that I took a plunge and invested in Brooks' Ariel 18's. At Over $150, I was skeptical. See, I have finicky feet. I was blessed with an amazing Women's Size 10 (said no one ever), and have always struggled some due to my health history. Diagnosed with Lupus at 14, I've definitely struggled with arthritis and my feet and hands were two of the major culprits. Hence, I was always sure I could never run. Add on fibromyalgia and continued swelling and pain, there was no way. However, as I said before, I decided it give it a shot.
Anyway, since Jon loved his Brooks I started there. I have some Adidas I've worn but I also have a skinny heel AND I overpronate. My ankles can get sore easily. My arches have fallen some over three pregnancies and my knees can be a pain. I started research looking into high support and for overpronation, which is how I settled on the Ariels. I knew, as much as I loved the looks of those with lesser support better, it would not be wise. I had to be BODY and FEET smart instead. That's kind of painful an over-extra fashion diva like myself :D

Ariel 18's- My Jam!

This post isn't intended to tell you WHAT to buy but instead to give you some info to the questions you might want to ask yourself as your start your journey. First, you can always find a good running store. Here in Lynchburg, we have Riverside Runners and they cater especially to runners (duh) and would be a great place to start if you're not stubborn and like to online shop like myself :P
If you want to be investigative like me, look up best running shoes for 2019. Then, evaluate your feet. Do you have pronation issues? Over or under? Most running shoes will label if they're better for either or. Do you need maximum cushion or minimal support? Where are you running- roads, trails? Are you mostly hiking? Do you need a wide or more narrow toe bed? Do you prefer certain materials? All of these questions are great to ask to get you started and the internet, fellow runners, and again, a reliable running store are great places to start your journey!

I was lucky to hit the nail on the head pretty quickly. I've tried some others since and I've FELT the difference in my body. As much as I want about every seasonal or flashy pair of Brooks shoes, they don't come in Ariel and I know that's my jam. So, I'll have to be wise for once and worry more about my body and what these shoes are designed like than how they look. Did I mention adulting can suck? :D

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What does it take to be a runner?

Finishing my first 100 mile challenge from

Oh to answer that question. So many things it takes to be a runner, right? No way it can be achieved, can it? Well, here's a spoiler alert: If you want to be a runner, all you have to do is run. Doesn't matter how fast or how far. What matters is you're up and moving and working on getting better every day! As I mentioned in my previous post, I began my journey with structured daily workouts. Jon over there? Well, he's been running awhile. I KNEW there was NO WAY I was going to be a runner. When I was diagnosed with Lupus at 14, my biggest symptom was arthritis. Running is not made me for, right? WRONG. 
I had intended on walking a 5K last September and never trained. I never got myself in gear. In February, I started walking incline programs on the treadmill just to get used to it. Well, on March 30 I decided I was going to run outside and I did! I ran 3 miles. Well, I interval walked/ran. The point is, I did it! And, I didn't die! (Not dying is a big thing for me :D)
I will say, training some on the treadmill was a HUGE help. My cardio gains were insane when I compared February to April. Also, working on building leg muscles helped immensely.
Was the transition without any obstacles? Of course not. I immediately went for the biggest hills I could find which meant I tweaked a hamstring. I had to take time off from outside running. I also struggle more with air quality so I've had to learn to pace myself. The great thing about the treadmill is you start to develop muscle memory to know what a 12 or 13 min mile pace feels like compared to a 10 or 11 min mile pace.
Another big piece for me was quality running shoes. Jon wears and recommended Brooks so I followed suit. I know that I have the potential for more joint pain and I also overpronate. I took a plunge and bought Ariel 18's which are extra supported and meant to keep ankles and feet supported. This was an amazing investment that has served me well!
The last major thing we've done is to find ways to stay motivated. Well, we began a family running group on facebook called Team Snitches and Horcruxes and began running virtual races with Run Motivators. Each month, we choose a virtual race and set timelines to complete cumulative mileage to complete the race. Being huge Harry Potter fans, we've been going through the Harry Potter Virtual Race Series. I've also run my first 5 miler recently and we have mud runs planned for the Fall. We try to make it fun and engaging and earning an amazing medal each month is a great way to stay motivated.
If you're thinking of beginning running or running again, DO IT! Walk until you can jog. Do whatever you can but don't give up! Have any tips for other beginner runners or questions? Leave em in the comments! We'd love to hear from you! -Kelley

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Perspective. It's the most powerful influence that you can contend with. Its the difference between smiling in the rain and crying in the sun. For most people, its easy to let something small happen and derail your whole day. For instance, you just got home and the dogs tore up the house or the garbage. Instinct tells you to get mad or frustrated. Consider your perspective. You have a house. You have a dog. You are blessed beyond most of the world just in that regard. Apply the same thing to fitness. Its easy to say, theres no point in working out I'm too fat. I'm too old. I have this condition or that. Don't get caught up in it! If you have legs, you can walk. There are people out there doing plenty with no legs at all. Each day is a day to get one step closer to where you want to be physically, emotionally, financially. Don't waste a second stuck in a negative mindset! Find the good in it. If nothing else, take a deep breathe and smile because your breathing. There are plenty of people that went to sleep last night and didn't wake up this morning. Change your perspective, inch towards your goals and as long as you keep moving, you'll get there.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Finding Joy in the Journey

"Sometimes the weight you need to lose isn't just on your body."
It's interesting how much life can change in a matter of months. The first pic is me, back in October 2018 on our first trip to Disney. It was a whirlwind trip and it was during a time in which a lot of things were crashing down against me. I was struggling at work with some significant stresses. I was struggling physically after years of diagnoses with Lupus, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. I was sleeping for hours and hours upon end and then to top it off, my struggle with depression and anxiety came to a head. Not knowing what to do and after years of failed diet and exercise attempts, I turned once again to diet and exercise. 
You see, I'd decided that I was destined to be overweight and tired my whole life. That's what the diagnoses said right? That's what my life was and it was ok, because I was tired. It was ok to drink 5-6 diet mountain dews today and live off of carbs because my stomach didn't tolerate much else. It was ok to nap for 2-3 hrs and sleep 10-12. I needed it, right?
Well, sometimes when you hit rock bottom, you have no where to go but up. After Disney, I decided I desperately needed to change. I needed to get some exercise and I needed to change the way I was eating. I didn't want to diet- I wanted to change. I decided to cut out most processed food and significantly limit carb intake. I cut out soda COMPLETELY which was no small feat. Finally, I started back exercising by completing 21 Day Fix. I'd like to say everything was fixed at that point but there's a lot of other factors that came in to play that I handled. However, one thing did happen: physically, I felt better.
I wasn't so tired. I was starting to lose weight. I had more energy. And though I was struggling with things, I was able to channel some of my nervous energy into exercising. After 21 days, I got a little bolder and I turned to 80 day Obsession. Despite a few stomach viruses, I committed and completed the whole program. At that point, I had lost about 30 pounds and many many inches. I made changes that helped my mental health and my physical health. My physical fitness has evolved but so has my mental fitness. This once destined to be forever tired and over weight woman has run over 206 miles since March 30, 2019!!
Through this journey, Jon and I connected early on and we've both been each other's accountability partners, besties, and biggest cheerleaders ever since. We've begun doing virtual races together, designing exercise routines to meet our individual and collective goals, and created a group for our families to help encourage them to run. We have big goals for our future and want to document our journey for ourselves, and for others.
While weight loss and a healthy life style is important for health and physical reasons, it's so important for mental strength and health as well. We've evolved and with Jon's help and support I continue to evolve and recognize that its a journey, not a destination. The most important weight you lose may not be what's on your body but what your body is holding you back from. It can also be weight and constriction on your mental well being.
We hope this blog serves as a sense of motivation, guidance, and support for each other and for any one else wanting to improve their life.

Welcome to Ascension Fitness!

Welcome to the first post on our new blog! Jon and I are excited to start this blog and share our lifelong journey toward fitness, gains, growing healthier bodies! We hope to share info about what we're doing on our journey and to inspire others to begin or continue their journeys! It's never too late or too early to start! "Whether we remain the ash or become the Phoenix is up to us." Here at Ascension Fitness, we have decided to become the Phoenix and we hope you will as well! -Kelley

A Bone To Pick

A Bone To Pick August 26th 2019 Dear Diary, ‘ Today was the best! Dad took me out running, again! We had a terrible start. He had pur...